Zero Waste Consultancy

What is Zero Waste?

Zero Waste is a target defined as a waste management philosophy that includes prevention of wastage, more efficient use of resources, the prevention or minimization of waste generation by reviewing the causes of waste generation, separate collection of waste at source and recovery of waste.

In line with this philosophy, the Zero Waste Project, initiated by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization in 2017 under the auspices of First Lady Mrs. Emine Erdoğan, aims to ensure that waste is separated at its source at every point throughout country, that reusable materials are reused or recovered instead of disposal, it is aimed to make more efficient use of resources by taking measures to prevent waste in all areas.

Zero Waste Projects

We offer Zero Waste services not only for industry but also for the whole service sector in line with our Zero Landfill implementations that we have provided abroad for many years.


With our team of experts from the private sector and the public sector who have more than 10 years of experience in the field of waste management, we fulfill the requirements of the Zero Waste legislation according to the needs of your business. Because we know that although waste management is carried out in a similar way, each enterprise has its own needs.

For this purpose, we determine the most appropriate approach in accordance with the principles and legislation requirements of the enterprise in accordance with these needs by examining every stage of production in industry and determining needs in every point of activity in service sector.

Zero Waste Consultancy and Certification Services

We perform the following steps in order to effectively establish the Zero Waste System.

  • Current Status Analysis
  • Zero Waste Needs Analysis
  • Training and Awareness Studies
  • Waste Management at All Points
  • Documentation
  • Data and Progress Monitoring
  • Zero Waste Certification Operations

We tailor our Zero Waste Services in accordance with the needs of your business, regulatory requirements and business demands.

Qualified Zero Waste Certification

We also carry out detailed studies according to your Qualified Certificate Needs within 12 months (as required by legislation) following the receipt of the Basic Certificate in Zero Waste certification processes.

  • Qualified Certificate Requirement Analysis
  • Innovative Solutions for Qualified Certificate Requirements
  • Qualified Certificate Application
  • Sustainability Report Studies

Total Waste Management and Environmental Consultancy Services can be provided as a whole to the companies we work with in order to monitor the continuity of the implementation.